Saturday, September 6, 2014

Should your dog be in your wedding?

Well, this is an unusual wedding topic that I just came across. And yet, not surprising considering the way people in America are so wild about their dogs (cats, other pets) these days.

I have a dog, and I got married, although we did not have our doggie participate in the wedding. However, that is because we were parents before we tied the knot. So we already had a wedding-day threesome, and to throw our dog into the mix would have made a chaotic situation even more insane.

But what if you don't have kids, and you kinda feel like your little pooch is your baby together? He'd look so cute in the photos... would things work out with a dog in a wedding??

I would say that if you follow the below rules, a dog in a wedding could be an okay situation.

Hire or appoint a particular person to be in charge of the dog during the wedding. Preferably it would be someone the dog is well familiar with and likes. Ideally, it could be your dog walker or someone who regularly takes care of the dog. I'm thinking that only the most giving of family members would tolerate being saddled with dog-sitting duty at a wedding where most people are just trying to have a good time.

Pencil in the dog's day of pampering as you're scheduling your own wedding-day appointments. As much as you love him, you wouldn't want your dog showing up to put his dirty paws all over your beautiful white gown or anyone else's wedding-day duds. And shedding would be a big no at this type of party as well!

Alert guests that your dog will be participating. You can mention it in an itinerary that you include with the wedding invites. Let everyone know that of course he will be leashed and/or stowed at appropriate times. Some people are afraid of dogs, dislike dogs, or are allergic to them – so it's probably a good idea to give these folks a heads up and some reassurance that the dog won't be bothering them.

Give the dog a special role in your day. Some couples have their doggies take part in the ceremony (dogs make good ring bearers, I'm told – especially St. Bernards, ha ha!), and pose for some cute pictures with the bride and groom.

Don't forget the treats, water, and a nice walky. Weddings are typically grand affairs – your dog may find this day to be somewhat stressful, what with all the strange people, unfamiliar place, smells, etc. Be sure your dogsitter is doing everything possible to make the dog feel comfortable - treating, giving water, and so forth. Oh – and you'll want her to bring the poopie bags, too!

Drive the dog home early. Truth be told, a wedding reception really isn't a place for a dog. There is always the potential for noisy barking; panting and slobbering; a biting incident, pooping episode, or some other type of caper. If you do opt to have your pooch in the ceremony and pictures, do him a favor and have his caretaker drive him home early. Both the dog and you will be happier once he's safe in his bed at home!

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