Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"Last Chance to Run" Wedding Sign: Funny, Sexist, Offensive, or Don't Care?

There's a Facebook post going around covering the "Dumbest Wedding Trends of the 21st Century" and a whole bunch of people have given it a "frowny face." I assume this is because they partook in one or more of the trends at their wedding, and are now offended.

Examples include "mashtinis" which are "mashed potato martinis" (first time I'm hearing about this, ha, kinda funny really!) and "doughnut walls" (another trend that has escaped my attention until just now). My all-time favorite from their list has to be the photo of the kid holding a wedding sign that reads "Last chance to run!"

I'm wondering why some people have decided that this message is aimed at the groom and is sexist, making the blanket assumption that all grooms would want to run away on their wedding day, and all brides are "all in" for the rest of eternity.

And the same people are offended by said sign, deciding for the collective that all wedding signage should be lovey-dovey and free of negative humor.

Well, geez, doesn't anybody remember that movie Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts!?

Need I say more?

My opinion is, it's a joke, people. Lighten up. Last time I checked, jokes were funny because they held a grain of truth to them, and I don't think even the most giddy of brides has not had the fleeting thought, especially at the final hour of singledom, that she should head for the hills instead of marry that closet nose-picker, die-hard Trekkie, or whatever the groom does/is that drives her just a little bit bonkers.

Granted, I am not the type to have signs at my wedding or even around my house. But if you want to have a sign at your wedding, and if you want the sign to say "Last chance to run!" then all the power to ya, girlfriend. It's your wedding, so have it your way, is my philosophy.

What do you think? "Last Chance to Run." Funny? Offensive? Sexist? All? None? Don't care? Other?

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